American station in Antarctica records the warmest February of the past 53 years

This month of February 2020 was the warmest month at the McMurdo station on the Antarctic continent since 1967.

According to meteorological data recorded at the site and monitoring of Antarctic climatology carried out by World Environmental Conservancy (WEC), the average temperature this month was -5.6ºC (21.9ºF) the highest monthly temperature of the last 53 years, the previous recorded high being the month of February 1967 when the average temperature was -5.3ºC (22.5ºF). The McMurdo research station is located in the Antarctic continent and has been operated by the United States since 1956. A significant factor for the noted monthly temperature increase was a strong heat wave that hit the region on February 9 when the maximum temperature reached was +9.9 ºC (49.8ºF).

Other Antarctic stations also registered records this February, see the table below:

Station Operated by Average Temper. Recorde dos últimos
Fossil Bluff U. K. -0.2 ºC (31.6ºF) 20 years
Rothera U. K. +2.4 ºC (36.3ºF) 30 years
San Martin Argentina +2.7ºC (36.9ºF) 53 years

Sources: synop codes and Antarctic WEC Monitoring