Partnership between the World Environmental Conservancy and The Little Citizens For Climate

The World Environmental Conservancy is proud to announce our new partnership with and support for “Little Citizens for Climate,” an international project to empower children and teens, offering them tools to facilitate communication and inspire the world in humanity’s greatest challenge: preserving life on earth.

Children and young people all over the world want to continue to live on a healthy planet with fresh air and water and a diversity of beautiful trees, birds and animals. The strongest force for changes in environmental policy must come from youth because they will be confronting greater challenges than the current generation of adults are dealing with. The future is in their hands. It is our duty to provide tools so that our kids can triumph with their future little ones and with future generations to come. It would be callous for the current generation of adults to solely decide the fate of our planet without providing youth the opportunity to defend their stake in world climate stability. World Environmental Conservancy is eager to spread this message and unite our efforts with our French friends in this vital cause.

“Little Citizen for Climate” is a French organization affiliated with the Federation of Clubs, Associations and Centers for UNESCO.

More information can be found on this page:
(French and Portuguese pages also can be accessed here)
The World Environmental Conservancy requests that donations for this project to be sent directly to the “Little Citizens for Climate”

Child or teen ambassadors will receive training and support in making presentations and spreading materials to encourage other young people in this exciting task of becoming world climate envoys. Contact the World Environmental Conservancy if you, your school or organization in the Americas is interested in participating in growing this chain.

Atlanta, March 29, 2019