State of Amazon records outbreaks of fire in November 2017.

By Pires, L. B. M.

Atlanta, December 1st, 2017.

In the state of Roraima, located in the Brazilian Amazon, the period of drought and outbreaks of fire, just beginning there, is already registering records.

In November 2017, 412 outbreaks of fire were recorded in the Roraima state, an increase of 320% compared to the expected median for the month, which is around 100 foci. This was the highest number of outbreaks in the month of November since the fire detection and monitoring work was started in the region in 1998 by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE).

100 of the outbreaks were concentrated in the northeast of the state within the Raposa Serra do Sol Indian reserve, but other reserves also were affected, including the São Marcos reserve with 45 outbreaks and Yanomami with 10 outbreaks.

Although the state of Roraima has gone through a period of below average rainfall and high temperatures, the human factor seems to have been the most significant, as occurred in other Amazonian states which also demonstrated record numbers of outbreaks of fire this year, including the Amazonas state in July and August and the Pará state in September.