

Credit satellite image: Windy.com Chilean polar station Eduardo Frei, located on King George Island, was hit this Wednesday, July 10, 2024, by a violent wind and blizzard storm associated with an extratropical cyclone that reached category AH-1 (Antarctic Hurricane 1) . The sustained wind at the base reached 65 kt (75 mph or 120 km/h)...
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The WEC Fire Monitoring System reports that in May 2023 Canada has recorded the highest number of fires in the last 12 years.In the month of May 2023, an impressive number of 92,120 fires was recorded in that country, an increase of 444% compared to the expected average for the month, which is around 17,000...
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From the 16th to the 19th of May, Marcelo Romão Oliveira of World Environmental Conservancy (WEC) was present at the largest international conference on forest fires, the 8th International Wildland Fire Conference, held in the city of Porto, Portugal. WEC presented two works at the exhibition: “Analysis of fires in the state of Alaska and...
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According to data from the NPP-375 satellite, the state of Alaska closed the month of June with a total of 43,227 incidents of forest fire outbreaks. Despite not being a record, it was a very alarming number. The last time the state had such a high value was in 2015, with a record of 44,648...
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Photo credit: Vanessa Xerente A group of 29 indigenous people from the Xerente ethnic group, in Tocantínia (in the State of Tocantins), completed their first training course for a voluntary brigade designed exclusively for women. The training involved concepts ranging from environmental education and fire behavior, to organization and safety, in addition to controlled burning...
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Figure 1. Satellite image shows fires and smoke over Alaska on June 08, 2022. Source: https://wvs.earthdata.nasa.gov/ According to data collected by NASA’s NPP-375 satellite, we are still in the middle of June and the state of Alaska has already recorded the highest number of fires for a month of June in the last 7 years.  In...
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March 19, 2022 WEC Antarctic Monitoring contact@worldenvironmentalconservancy.org The WEC Weather and Climate Monitoring System reports that this March 2022 was the warmest month at the French Dumont D’Urville, the Russian station Vostok, and the Australian station Casey, among others. Absolute historic maximum temperatures have been registered, recording values well above the average expected for the...
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Figure: synoptic letter of January 10, 2022. Source: https://ssl.smn.gob.ar/ On January 10, 2022, an explosive cyclone (a “weather bomb”, as they are popularly known), hit the north of the Antarctic Peninsula, where several international research stations are located, including those sponsored by Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, South Korea, Peru, Poland, Russia, Uruguay, and the United States. The...
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Photo: Pixabay The WEC Weather and Climate Monitoring System reports that this December 2021 was the warmest month at the Argentinian Marambio station on the Antarctic continent since 1970. According to meteorological data recorded at the site and monitoring of Antarctic climatology carried out by the World Environmental Conservancy (WEC), the average temperature this month...
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Population increase along with economic growth and consumerism end up generating more emissions of greenhouse gases, which causes an aggravation of global warming and consequently the reduction of rainfall, resulting in a water crisis manifesting in the current Brazilian scenario. The CO2 present in the atmosphere, from the burning of fossil fuels, which has been...
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