

Figure 1. Sand and dust storm hits the interior of the state of São Paulo (Source: https://exame.com/brasil/tempestades-de-areia-avancam-em-cinco-estados-e-sao-alerta-sobre-o-clima/ ). Between September 8th and October 16, 2021, at least, 5 very large dust storms hit several Brazilian states including Paraná, São Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais and Goiás. This type of storm occurs when moderate...
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Two very important events take place this week in New York City. Climate Week NYC, organized by the Climate Group and the 76th General Assembly of the United Nations (UN). The opening of the Climate Week took place this Monday, September 20, with the participation of government leaders, companies and organizations from around the world,...
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Integrated fire management (IFM) is an approach that proposes the use of controlled burning at the beginning of drought periods and aims to reduce the conditions for the occurrence of large forest fires, ensuring the conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems. The IFM is made through the preparation of firebreaks, that is, bands of protection intended to...
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Projections by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2021, for extratropical cyclones, such as bomb cyclones, indicate a 20% to 50% increase in this type of event in the coming decades, mainly around the latitude of 60S, meaning that the northern Antarctica Peninsula likely will be seriously impacted by such events. These projections are confirmed in the analysis of...
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Figure 1: Illustration of the formation of the atmospheric river over South America. (Source: http://riosvoadores.com.br/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2013/05/diagrama.png , accessed in 08/06/2021 at 14:39h) Atmospheric river are flowing columns of long, narrow “ribbons” of condensed air which carry large amounts of water vapor. This phenomenon is a fundamental, determinant of the balance of the ecosystem and biodiversity in various regions...
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In recent months, large areas of the Amazon rainforest have suffered from an increase in illegal deforestation. According to data from the Amazon Institute of Man and Environment (Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazônia – Imazon), May 2021 was the third consecutive month with the largest deforestation in the Amazon in 10 years....
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Map 1: Predicted temperature anomaly at the level of 850 hPa (1500 m) for July 29, 2021 Starting next Tuesday (27), an intense mass of polar air will begin its advance towards Brazil. The following days will show exceptionally low temperatures, snow and the prospect of very cold days for a longer period than usual...
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Photo credit: Government of Argentina (Source: https://www.argentina.gob.ar/ejercito/antartida/base-belgrano2) This month of June 2021 was the coldest month at the Belgrano station on the Antarctic continent, operated by the Argentina, since 1980. According to meteorological data recorded at the site and the monitoring of Antarctic climatology carried out by WEC (World Environmental Conservancy), the average temperature this month was...
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Photo credit: British Antarctic Survey (BAS) This month of June 2021 was the coldest month at the Halley station on the Antarctic continent operated by the United Kingdom, since 1957. According to meteorological data recorded at the site and the monitoring of Antarctic climatology carried out by WEC (World Environmental Conservancy), the average temperature this...
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TECHNICAL NOTE  – ATLANTA/GA – JUNE/2020 By Romao, M.; Masters, C. and Pires, L. The burning season in the Brazilian Amazon begins in July and continues until October. Our forecast for this year is that the number of fires may be above the average expected for the period, due to the above-average deforestation and forecasts...
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