

This month of February 2020 was the warmest month at the McMurdo station on the Antarctic continent since 1967. According to meteorological data recorded at the site and monitoring of Antarctic climatology carried out by World Environmental Conservancy (WEC), the average temperature this month was -5.6ºC (21.9ºF) the highest monthly temperature of the last 53...
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We are already in the second half of September and the fight against fires continues in the Amazon. There has been a concerted effort by government officials and public opinion to come together in the fight against fire. With this synergy has already been a positive balance can be determined at least in the first...
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The World Environmental Conservancy is proud to announce our new partnership with and support for “Little Citizens for Climate,” an international project to empower children and teens, offering them tools to facilitate communication and inspire the world in humanity’s greatest challenge: preserving life on earth. Children and young people all over the world want to continue to...
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More than twenty families living in Thomas Overby and Spring Forest subdivisions in Sharpsburg now may sleep better. Dr. Luciana Pires, Director of World Environmental Conservancy, Inc. (WEC) announced today that WEC has accepted a charitable donation of seven acres of land adjacent to these residential subdivisions and is preserving it as perpetual greenspace. A...
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By L.B.M. Pires and M. Romao Atlanta, March 20, 2018 The Amazon biome is one of the most vulnerable in the world to deforestation due to uncontrolled forest fires. During 2017, 138,987 outbreaks of fire were recorded throughout the Amazon; this was the year with the second highest number of outbreaks, according to INPE (National...
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By M. Romao and L.B.M. Pires Atlanta, March 14, 2018 In recent years we have seen a substantial increase in people traveling to Antarctica, about 50,000 (International Association Antarctica Tour Operators – IAATO) tourists, embark during the summer months on sailboats and ships departing from the ports of Ushuaia (Argentina) and Punta Arenas (Chile) towards...
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By L.B.M. Pires and M. Romao Atlanta, January 3, 2018 The Antarctic is the area of the world where bomb cyclones are most frequently recorded. During 2017 the World Environmental Conservancy monitored more than 100 cyclones of this type on the icy continent without any reaching the intensity of the bomb cyclone that currently is forming off...
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By Romao, M. and Pires, L. B. M.  Atlanta, December 29, 2017. In the silence of the early hours of the morning, just after sunrise, when the forest begins to awaken, Aru arises. Aru is the name given to the strong fog or fog that forms in the Amazon. This mist leaves the forest with a...
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By Pires, L. B. M. Atlanta, December 1st, 2017. In the state of Roraima, located in the Brazilian Amazon, the period of drought and outbreaks of fire, just beginning there, is already registering records. In November 2017, 412 outbreaks of fire were recorded in the Roraima state, an increase of 320% compared to the expected...
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By Joao Martins (IPMA) Atlanta, November 7st, 2017. October 2017 was warmer than usual over most of Europe. Maximum (daytime) Land Surface Temperature (LST) anomalies were particularly pronounced reaching values higher than 7 °C. Minimum (night-time) LST were also warmer than usual, but with smoother anomalies. Areas with higher LST values than usual are represented...
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