

By Romao, M. and Pires, L. B. M.  Atlanta, December 29, 2017. In the silence of the early hours of the morning, just after sunrise, when the forest begins to awaken, Aru arises. Aru is the name given to the strong fog or fog that forms in the Amazon. This mist leaves the forest with a...
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By Pires, L. B. M. Atlanta, December 1st, 2017. In the state of Roraima, located in the Brazilian Amazon, the period of drought and outbreaks of fire, just beginning there, is already registering records. In November 2017, 412 outbreaks of fire were recorded in the Roraima state, an increase of 320% compared to the expected...
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By Joao Martins (IPMA) Atlanta, November 7st, 2017. October 2017 was warmer than usual over most of Europe. Maximum (daytime) Land Surface Temperature (LST) anomalies were particularly pronounced reaching values higher than 7 °C. Minimum (night-time) LST were also warmer than usual, but with smoother anomalies. Areas with higher LST values than usual are represented...
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By Pires, L. B. M. and Romao, M.  Atlanta, November 1st, 2017. With the return of rain to the region of the Arariboia indigenous reserve in Maranhão, the outbreaks of fires have reduced significantly in the last two days. The Indians isolated at the Arariboia reserve were at serious risk of having their lands seriously burned by...
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By Pires, L. B. M. and Romao, M.  Atlanta, October 20, 2017. Once again, the Arariboia Indigenous Land located in the southwest of Maranhão, in the Brazilian Amazon, recorded large numbers of outbreaks of fire, putting the population of isolated Indians from the Awá-Guaja ethnic group at risk. During this year’s season of fires in Maranhão, which...
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By Romao, M. and Pires, L. B. M.  Atlanta, October 20, 2017. On October 12 and 13 an explosive cyclone or weather bomb, as they are popularly known, hit Adelie Land, where the French research station in the Antarctic, Dumont D’Urville, is located . The cyclone reached category 2 on the Bergeron scale (on this scale...
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Romao, M. and Pires, L. B. M. Atlanta, October 3rd, 2017. At least 18 explosive cyclones or weather bombs, as they are more popularly known, hit the coast of the Antarctic continent this September. Two of these 18 cyclones reached category 3 of the Bergeron scale ranging from 1 to 3, the most intense of which...
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By Romao, M., Pires, L. B. M. and Freitas, A. C. V. Atlanta, September 5, 2017. At least twenty-six explosive cyclones or weather bombs, as they are popularly known, hit the coast of the Antarctic continent this August.Two of these twenty-six cyclones reached category 3 of the Bergeron scale (which ranges from 1 to 3). The most...
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By Pires, L. B. M. and Freitas, A. C. V.  Atlanta, September 5, 2017. The largest state in Brazil, the Amazonas, recorded the largest number of fires in August since 1998, the year in which work began on the detection and monitoring of fires in South America. According to data from the Brazilian National Institute of...
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By Pires, L. B. M. and Freitas, A. C. V.  Atlanta, July 31, 2017. As recently reported in  Brazil’s EXAME magazine on June 26 of this year, a 29% increase in the deforested area of the Brazilian Amazon was recorded between August 2015 and July 2016, according to the National Institute of Space Research (INPE). However, a...
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